This is the personal essay I wrote for my CSU International Program- Jaén, Spain Application.

Application Status: ACCEPTED.




This is the essay that started it all. To be honest, I was a little nervous to hit the send button. I wanted my essay to be unique, creative, and funny. I wrote in such a way that illustrated my strengths, answered the questions asked of me, but also highlighted my personality and interests.

Important side note: I LOVE How I Met Your Mother. This essay puts a spin on my favorite TV show of all-time so I give you “How I Met My Host Family”.


My friends in Jaén,

I am going to tell you a story. You guys may want to sit down. It is a long story, but a good one. I am a huge believer in fate. Fate is why I am here in Jaén. Fate is why we met. My past educational experiences are what led me to this moment and studying in Jaén is what is leading me into my future. This is the story of How I Met My Host Family.

My past educational experiences are why I am studying abroad in Spain. I went to a private Christian high school. I excelled in my studies and graduated with a 3.9 GPA. I learned a lot being at Linfield High School. I grew academically and in my faith. However, I was in a bubble. I did not know what the real world was like outside of my high school’s walls. That would scare most people. Yes, it scared me. Since my sophomore year of high school, I desired greatly to go to Chapman University. Chapman was the perfect fit because I did not want to go outside my bubble. I applied to ten schools and I got into nine out of the ten universities that I applied to. I have memorized these words, “On behalf of Chapman University, we regret to inform you that your application has not been accepted,”. While those words burned for a while in the back of my mind, I picked myself up and dusted myself off. I now attend San Diego State University. I absolutely love going to school at San Diego State. I cannot imagine attending school anywhere else. I have a 3.3 GPA and have learned more and grown more than I ever imagined I could. One thing that San Diego State has instilled in me is that it is extremely important to be a global citizen. My past educational experiences led me to the opportunity to apply for this program. As you know, my friends, that is why I am in Spain with you.

Studying in Jaén is contributing to my academic and career goals. At San Diego State, I am currently pursuing a degree in Business Management with a minor in Spanish. Attending school in Spain is allowing me to complete my minor in Spanish while being fully submersed in the Spanish language and the culture of Jaén. Upon completion of my degree in Business Management, I plan on working in the front offices of baseball in the player development and scouting department. More than thirty percent of Major League Baseball players are of Spanish descent. Being fluent in Spanish will enhance my resumé, allow me to communicate with predominantly Spanish-speaking players, and help me obtain a job in baseball management. Studying abroad in Spain is expanding my knowledge of the Spanish language and culture, making me a more global citizen, and is bringing me closer to achieving my career goals.

Studying in Spain is really important to me. I am extremely blessed to have gotten this opportunity. My past educational experiences have led me to this moment. Being in Spain is helping me complete my academic and career goals. More importantly, being here in Jaén is making me into the global citizen I desired to become. As I got off the plane, I was nervous about the upcoming year. I grabbed my luggage and walked over to the four people holding a sign with my name on it. They pulled me into the warmest embrace I have ever felt. In that moment, I knew that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I was home. Friends, that is the story of how I met my host family. You guys look confused. Is it because I just spoke entirely in English? Well, give me a break. I just got here yesterday. ¡Adiós! Nos vemos mañana en la escuela.


What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts and comments!

Did you study abroad? How did you make your personal essay stand out? Let’s talk about it in the comments below!