One of the hardest parts about a study abroad application is the personal essay. Trust me, a thousand questions are going to run through your head. What should I say? How should I say it? Did I write too much? Too little? Is it funny enough? Should I even try to be funny? Is that how you spell the phrase “cross-culturally competent”. I have been staring at it for so long now I don’t even know if it looks right. Spell check, save me now!

My head hurts just thinking about how hard it was for me to finally hit the send button. I wanted my application to be perfect!

I know that you are going to want your application to be perfect too. Don’t worry- I have got you covered! Check out my tips to crafting the perfect personal essay.


Within your personal essay, you need to show who you are. When your application is being reviewed, they are going to want to know who INSERT YOUR NAME HERE is and this personal essay is the perfect place to show them. Are you funny? Are you smart? Are you creative? Write in such a way that illustrates your strengths. TELL A STORY. (Need some inspiration? You can read the personal essay I wrote that got me accepted into my study abroad program here). This is the first point I mentioned because honestly I think it is the most important.


  1. Answer The Questions That Are ASKED.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make while writing your essay is to ramble on without getting to the point. Your essay can be anything you want it to be but it has to have structure.

Did they ask you how studying abroad will affect your academic and career goals? Well then that is exactly what you need to include in your essay!

If you avoid answering the questions asked, your application will get denied. Don’t let this be the reason you don’t get into the study abroad program of your dreams.



While you need to make sure you address the questions asked, you should do so in a way that is uniquely YOU. Do you know how many essays the study abroad advisors are going to read? A LOT. You don’t want to be the hundredth person to say, “ Study abroad will help me grow by opening my eyes to new cultures”. Instead, find a way to make your application stand out! This essay is a great opportunity to do just that!


  1. Use CORRECT Grammar.

 If spelling is not one of your strengths, that is okay! However, you should request the help of a friend or family member to review your personal essay. Your essay should be completely void of any spelling or grammar errors. My recommendation is to ask five different people to read your essay. Ask them these specific questions: Did my essay read well? Did you find it engaging? Were there any spelling or grammar errors that you stumbled upon? These three questions are vital to the readability of your essay. Make sure they answer to all three is YES.


That is it! You are on your way to writing the perfect personal essay!