The Blogger Behind The Passport Pages!

Hello Everyone!

Photo of Emilee in front of the Tower Bridge in London
London, England

My name is Emilee Mason. I am a 21-year old, California girl and a recent grad from San Diego State University. While at SDSU, I majored in Marketing and obtained a minor in Spanish. I am passionate about two things: Baseball & World Travel.

I have been to 29 out of the 30 ballparks all across the United States which has allowed me to see many different parts of the country I live in. Which ballpark have I not seen? Safeco Field in Seattle. Yes, I know. I am a girl from California and out of all the ballparks in the United States, Seattle has to be one of the easier ones, right? Absolutely! Oddly enough, I don’t know why it has taken me so long to get there, but I will.

During my junior year of college, I spent a year studying abroad in Spain, learning the Spanish language, and traveling to 12 other countries. At 21 years of age, there has not been a year of my life that I have learned more about myself, my beliefs, other people and other places. I believe it is so important to be curious about other cultures and adventurous enough to go explore them.

This blog will highlight my adventures, tips and tricks for traveling the world, and reviews of the places I have been and things I have done.

Finally, and most importantly, I truly believe that the best stories are found within the pages of your passport. I know mine are.

Thanks for stopping by to hear some stories from The Passport Pages.