1. Go To All 30 Major League Baseball Ballparks. (29 out of 30 complete).

2. Visit all 50 US States (9 states remaining).

3. Step Foot On All 7 Continents.

4. See the Northern Lights.

5. Study Abroad in Spain. ✔️

6. Add a Lock To Love Lock Bridge in Paris. ✔️

7. Watch the Sunset on a Greek Island. ✔️

8. Let Go of A Floating Lantern in Thailand.

9. Graduate College. ✔️

10. Go on a Hot Air Balloon Ride.

11. Learn A New Language. ✔️

12. Go to Armenia with my Grandpa to Learn About Our Family History.

13. Go To the Olympics.

14. Get a Tattoo That Means A Lot.

15. Get Married To The Man Of My Dreams.

16. Do Something That Scares Me (preferably on an adventurous trip to New Zealand).

17. Visit Machu Pichu.

18. Backpack through Patagonia.

This list is to be continued… As long as I am living on this Earth,  I want to travel as much as I can, as far as I can, and experience everything I can. Life is short and I want to cherish every moment. So this bucket list may never be fully completed but will always be passionately pursued. Check back to see updates as I check items off on my bucket list! Thanks for following me on this journey.