
The Passport Pages

Just A Girl Traveling The World.


Study Abroad

How To Craft A Study Abroad Personal Essay

One of the hardest parts about a study abroad application is the personal essay. Trust me, a thousand questions are going to run through your head. What should I say? How should I say it? Did I write too much? Too little? Is it funny enough? Should I even try to be funny? Is that how you spell the phrase “cross-culturally competent”. I have been staring at it for so long now I don’t even know if it looks right. Spell check, save me now!

My head hurts just thinking about how hard it was for me to finally hit the send button. I wanted my application to be perfect!

I know that you are going to want your application to be perfect too. Don’t worry- I have got you covered! Check out my tips to crafting the perfect personal essay.

Continue reading “How To Craft A Study Abroad Personal Essay”

How I Met My Host Family- Personal Essay

This is the personal essay I wrote for my CSU International Program- Jaén, Spain Application.

Application Status: ACCEPTED.




This is the essay that started it all. To be honest, I was a little nervous to hit the send button. I wanted my essay to be unique, creative, and funny. I wrote in such a way that illustrated my strengths, answered the questions asked of me, but also highlighted my personality and interests.

Important side note: I LOVE How I Met Your Mother. This essay puts a spin on my favorite TV show of all-time so I give you “How I Met My Host Family”.

Continue reading “How I Met My Host Family- Personal Essay”

5 Mistakes To AVOID When Learning A New Language

Continue reading “5 Mistakes To AVOID When Learning A New Language”

A Note To College Freshman

Dear College Freshmen,

HI! My name is Emilee Mason. I am a 22 year-old college graduate, just getting started in my career! BUT the reason why I want to talk to you, freshmen, is to tell you to of a VERY important, life-changing decision you are going to make sometime during your fours years in college. Continue reading “A Note To College Freshman”

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